Wednesday 5 November 2014

Getting cooler .

Had a very educational Saturday at the north west alpaca group workshop held by Tim Hey at Beck Brow Alpacas .
They are a friendly crowd and Tim gave a very interesting talk with lots hands on practical moments . Enjoyed the yummy food especially the cakes .
It's getting cold in evenings .
Hayley has on her alpaca Pom Pom hat so that is a sure sign winter is coming .

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Winter ready!

The  girls are mated to some lovely stud males this summer . So fingers crossed for some nice cria in 2015.
Vitamins and toe nails are up to date today.  Coccidia vac all done.So bring  on the autumn !!
My favourite time of the year , noticed the first real change in the trees this morning
and the evenings are closing in having some lovely sun sets.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Northumberland county show 2014.

We had a grand day out at the Northumberland show . Taking two alpacas Winston and Jefferson and came home with a second and third rosette .not bad !! Alfie and Louie had a great time in the young handler section . I met loads of new people and enjoyed the alpaca chat .The mud wasn't to bad and the sun shone all day adding to the fun .

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Heavy coats .

The sun is shinning today and it's blissful ,but the boys are looking very warm with their full fleece . Shearing can't come soon enough . Little Eddison has a lovely bright fleece and he has gained weight well since weaning . He it's totally bottle fed so feel very proud when I see him doing so well . 

Thursday 8 May 2014

Alpacas are supposed to like water . However the boyz wouldn't cross the puddles this morning for breakfast , they both stood looking very miserable !!. Guess who took the food over to them .....softy !!

Sunday 27 April 2014

Karin Mueller .

Today we attended a birthing and young cria workshop hosted by Fallowfield alpacas . Vet Karin Mueller gave a very detailed and educational workshop . I think everyone would agree we all learned a lot and it was a great opportunity  to meet other more experienced  breeders .

Good grass.

Today was spent harrowing , rolling and  spreading new grass seed . Hopefully this will give us some lovely lush paddocks this year. The girls watched the events over the fence , not to impressed at somebody trashing their fields .

Thursday 24 April 2014

Spot of halter training.

The weather is so lovely today it feels like summer has arrived !! So down to some halter training with the little ones . This proved very entertaining with lots of dancing around ,and that was me not the alpacas. However they have picked up the idea already , and we are managing to move forward, so that's progress.
Winston modeling his new blue head collar .This boy truly loves himself , but he is seriously cute .

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Two tea thieves.

Took my eye off the feed bucket for two minutes to open the gates and these little monkeys stole more tea .

Thursday 2 January 2014

Happy new year everyone !

Starting the new year with toe nail clipping and vitamins . Should be a good day it's nice to get outside for a while and spend sometime with the alpacas.The wind and rain return this afternoon . Mud mud mud !!!