Monday 14 October 2013

Great day at the Yorkshire alpaca show.

Thank you to everyone for a  fab day . We had a lovely time ,with Jefferson getting a rosette for second place in the intermediate male light class. With some very good alpacas in attendance we are very proud . It was a great opportunity to learn and meet new people . 

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Never had so much fun at six thirty without wine.

Watching the alpacas chasing the wind tonight. They are going wild pronking and kicking their feet. So funny and amazing how fast they can move , especially the little ones . It was dark early ,and much cooler so I was keen to get back to the fire and open the wine, however they are so amusing I stood for ages .

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Crias arrived at last .Good and sad times.

Three crias born !!! Twinkle our little girl sadly didn't make it . Despite the best efforts of our vets Intake of Hexham , both David and Euan give a valiant fight ,and went all out to save her ,as did the family, but she was just not viable, a very pretty girl with a lovely fleece, and she is sadly missed.Thanks to Fallowfield for the plasma.
We have two happy healthy boys running around tonight a great sight and I am very grateful . They both are full of life and great fun to watch . Hopefully our luck is turning and these two will be fine .I am sure they will provide hours of entertainment . 

Friday 19 July 2013

Cria at last ,

Healthy little boy arrived at last. The weather is perfect and he is feeding and gaining weight . Mum is very protective. Just looking a bit purple think we got carried away with the tummy button spray in the excitement !! 

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Waiting ........and more waiting .

At 353 days today and no action . Infact everything looks peaceful in the field .  I am so excited to meet these babies .  Think the forecast is for some warm weather so fingers crossed it could be this weekend .  Poo picking is done and field shelters all washed out ,cria coats are washed and waterproofed . Just need a cria  or two !!.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Mrs Fox and her four cubs.

This morning began with a lot of alarm calls from the girls. As I was awake anyway I ran outside and spotted a vixen with her four cubs running through the field being chased by the girls. They soon saw her off, hopefully for good .  They all looked very pleased with themselves at breakfast, but no babies yet, maybe at the weekend.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Shearing complete!! Everybody naked!! All very calm this year, James was very efficient. Just waiting for the first of our first crias to arrive. This is the best time of year and I can be seen looking over the fence at every opportunity.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

The Northumberland county show.

A lovely day was had by all at the Northumberland county show. We even won a first rosette and a ligjht male champion sash for Brook Willow Jefferson !.

Alfie as a young handler enjoying the fun.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Looking forward to the Northumberland County Show on bank holiday Monday. 

Tuesday 7 May 2013

It all began with a visit to a local agricultural show. George asked the question what would you like for your 50th birthday. The reply "well Ive always loved alpacas".

That was it! Off we went on this amazing adventure.

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